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De todos os místérios da Internet, o maior de todos era, na minha opinião, o significado da expressão "lol".
A primeira vez que li esta expressão foi em um chat qualquer.
Alguém falou algo sem sentido e outro respondeu: -LOL.
Mesmo sem entender plenamente o significado da expressão, percebi que o comentário muito pertinente.
"LOL" definia perfeitamente a situação.
Perguntei pra muitas pessoas, depois disto, mas afinal, Qual o significado de LOL?
Nunca ninguém soube responder...
Tem até uma comunidade chamada LOL no Orkut...
E mesmo lá, o pessoal não explica o significado da expressão LOL!?!

Hoje resolvi o problema, depois de meses de pesquisa.
compartilho com vocês um excelente glossário de expressões muito comuns na rede.

Aff - Dissappointed, slightly upset.
AFK - Away From Keyboard
ASAP - As soon as possible
Atm - At the moment or At this moment
BBIAB - Be Back In A Bit
BRB - Be Right Back
BTW - By the way
Cya, Cu - See you (later)
FFS - For F***s Sake.
FTW - For The Win
FTMFW - For The Mother F******* Win
Gratz, grats, grtz, gz, Boa Preto(portuguese) - Congratulations
GTG, G2G - Got To Go
HF - Have Fun
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion, can also be In My Honest Opinion
IRL - In Real Life
k, kk - Ok
KTHXBYE - Meaning K-THX-BYE, in other words Okay, Thanks, Bye. Used when you want to end a discussion fast.
l8 - later
LMAO - Laughing my A** off
LMFAO - Laughing my F****** A** off
LMFGAO - Laughing my f***** giant a** off
LOL - Laughing out loud
m8 - mate
Noob - Inmature Player
Nabb/nub/nabbzor - Meant to be the same as Noob but used towards newbie friends, not really an insult
Plz, plis, plx, plxor, plax - Please
r - Are
RL - Real Life
ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMFAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my f****** a** off
STHU - Shut The Hell Up!
STFU - Shut the f*** up!
SYFFUF - "shut your f****** face uncle f*****!" from South Park (television programme)
SS - Screenshot (take picture of the screen); server save
thx, ty, vlw ae preto (portuguese) - Thanks (Thank You)
ttyl- Talk To You Later
u - you
VSF - (portuguese) similar to F*** YOU
WTF - What The F***, Where The F*** or When The F***, depending on context.
w8 - wait
w/w - wrong window
y - why

Emoticons (Smileys)
:) Smiley face, Happy, Chuckle.
:D Large Smile.
:/ Dissappointed, slightly upset.
:( Sad, very dissappointed.
;) Winking.
:P Sticking out tongue.
:o Surprised.
:* Kiss.
^_^ Smiley face, happy.
-.- Angry, mad or tired.
-.-' Slightly dissapointed or embarrased.
^^ Raised eyebrows, surprised, astonished. Or, just the eyes from the ^_^ face.
-_- Annoyed (effect can be increased with adding a ", -_-").
<3 Love.
:S Surprised , confused.
:| Similiar to -.- .
0.o Surprised/confused
¬_¬ or ¬¬ "you're kidding, right?"
xD Cracking up with laughter
;] Winking
:] Smiley face, Happy.
:> Greatly statisfied.
>:( That's not funny.
>:) I own you!
,,|,, Giving someone the Finger

*Não sei quem foi o consultor para as expressões em português, mas fez um grande trabalho...

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